What Does the Continuing Saga Mean

  1. With force ghosts, Sith artifacts, other force users continuing to exist? How does it end?
    Kylo die?
    Rey die?
    Palpatine die?
    Force itself die?
    Disney die?
    Jedi die?
    Sith die?
    What ends?
    Force Skywalkers to end so would their force ghosts?
    Is this the End of Star Wars? No more future?

    Why would Disney want to end a multi billion dollar Saga? Pride?

  2. I don't think it is the end, end...but it is the end of the Skywalkers
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  3. *thinking out loud post*

    It's the end of the Skywalker saga, so I take that to mean that it's the end of the saga about the Skywalker family being front-and-centre of the storyline in a Star Wars film. It's further re-inforced by having the Skywalker saga films contained within the 'Episode_??' titles, which does not mean we couldn't get future 'Episode'-titled films, but they just might not be about the Skywalker saga anymore.

    Given that Ben Solo is a Solo and Rey is... whatever Rey is... future films could possibly still be connected to those charaters without necessarily being about the Skywalker saga directly I guess. Or we could have entirely new lead characters but still have 'Episode... ' whatever number to give it the sense of importance, that they would be a central film to the universe that everything else would spring forth from to some degree.

    Of course the other option is that this isn't actually the end. Things change, and Episode III was supposedly the last film to be about the Skywalker saga when it was released, so you never know. Everyone saying this is definitely the end could completely believe what they are saying, and then a new head of Disney comes in, a new head of Lucasfilm comes in, and all of a sudden you've got Episodes X, XI and XII all about continuing the Skywalker saga. I think this is more likely if whatever they do afterwards fails (hopefully not though).

    It's the end... for now.

  4. The end of a saga means that the conflict presented at the beginning is resolved, making the story go full circle. It doesn't necessarily mean somebody has to die or something to end... So what has to be resolved is either Palpatine's dark or the dark side disturbing the galaxy, or the fulfilment of the prophecy of the chosen one, or the failing of the Jedi order, or a galactic republic that is way too oligarchic, or all of the above.
  5. The "Skywalker Saga" equals the "episodic" numbered films that Lucas started in 1977, so the phrase "end of the Saga" means an end to those films.

    It's not really that hard to figure out.

  6. It is a buzzword phrase to generate publicity and get people into the theater. We know for a fact that Star Wars is not ending. We know for a fact there will be more movies (not to mention D+ shows, books, comics, etc). I personally believe there will eventually be Episodes 10/11/12 somewhere down the line.
  7. I think they truly mean that this is the last episodic movie in the saga, and that we will have a nine-part saga in the end. They will not stop making movies because of that, but they will not be numbered episodes. I kind of like that idea myself.
  8. I don't.

    Lucasfilm has already proven that the SW brand can viably expand beyond the "Saga" films, and so there's no need or incentive to 'leave the door open' for potentially reviving that particular piece of the franchise now or in the future.

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  9. "The Saga comes to an end." means that the Skywalker saga will be told by Episode IX.

    But ending the Skywalker saga doesn't mean that the Skywalkers will die. Just their story will end.

    IMO the most satisfying end for this saga would be if Kylo breaks the "Skywalker's Curse". He destroys THE enemy, redeems himself and lives.

  10. Saga Ends = No more "Episode" films, basically.
    George Lucas also said "no more" in 2012 after Redtails bombed, and just before he sold Lucasfilm....
  11. While I agree the end of the Saga means the end of the Episodes and the Skywalker story. There will always be a possibility that Disney might comeback after a decade to continue it. If there is a demand for more and they think money can be made you can be sure of it, otherwise why does the likes of Terminator keep returning.......and yes I realise it's a different film company.
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  12. If Star Wars is going to have a long term future in feature films they're gonna have to get away from the Skywalker films. Emerging international markets don't have a history with the original trilogy so the challenge will be making something they like. It was tough to do that with the ST because the OT gang is such a big part of the story it's hurt the development of new cast. A new series will have more time to focus on new characters.
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  13. I think they kinda really haven't proven that. Oh sure, they make TV shows and books and comics but those are nothing more than a drop in the bucket compared to the billions they can make with a hit movie trilogy and related merchandising.

    Movies (and movie-related merchandising) is where the money is. As far as non-episodic movies are concerned, they had one hit and one miss. If the announced D&D trilogy is more miss than hit, it really wouldn't take much more than some genius Disney exec to say "gee, the SW episodic movies make more money than the others, so let's go with more of those....."

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  14. Disney has made a point of referring to this as the "Skywalker Saga." With that in mind, I suspect we'll get definitive ends for Kylo and Leia.

    But I wouldn't be surprised if one of the upcoming projects--Rian's trilogy or the B&W films--ends up being referred to as "the _______ Saga."

  15. I agree. The term Skywalker saga is a new term. I think there are going to be other "sagas". The term saga currently only refers to the episodic movies but that will likely change moving forward. The end of the Skywalker saga means that the story of the Skywalkers is coming to an end. The Skywalker saga will be episodes I-IX. They still could continue with an Episode X down the line and it would be continuation of the story without the Skywalkers. Episode X could be the start of a new saga of stories that feeds off of what happened in the ST
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  16. And if we're lucky, perhaps John Williams will score under the underscore Saga
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  17. It seems like they did that already...they seem to have failed to define new big bad or even a new big good so they had to go back and refinish the old big bad? I do not yet even see how these two films continue the Anakin Skywalker saga except that Kylo is his grandson. Luke was already done, Han was done, Leia was still engaged in the resistance but not really in a way that related to Darth Vader story.

    Not sure they have showed us anything that still needed ending?

    --- Double Post Merged, Sep 16, 2019 , Original Post Date: Sep 16, 2019 ---
    But Luke...

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Source: https://thecantina.starwarsnewsnet.com/index.php?threads/what-does-%E2%80%9Csaga-ends%E2%80%9D-mean.56603/

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