Duke Nukem Forever PR Agency Threatens Sites Over Bad Reviews - UPDATED


A PR federal agency has apologized for publically threatening to blacklist videogame recapitulation sites that "went too far" with their negative reviews of Duke Nukem Forever.

Things are not leaving well for Duke Nukem Forever. Afterwards virtually a decade and a half "in development," the spunky was finally finished by Gear case and turned loose to reviewers, who wasted no time in savaging it as a uncomplete-baked wad. Some reviewers were more or less harsh than others – our own Russ Pitts recommended that "if you are stuck on a inaccessible island with but this game to play, go fishing alternatively" – but the cumulative effect was enough to finally enough to labour Jim Redner of The Redner Group, the PR federal agency handling the game, over the edge.

"too many went too far with their reviews…we r reviewing who gets games next time and who doesn't based connected today's venom," he wrote on the administrative unit Redner Group Chitter feed. "It's one thing to not like a plot, it's an entirely different thing to rate it a 2 & b completely mean spirited."

In other actor's line, if you were too hard on the Duke in your review, which is by any definition an entirely subjective criterion, you may non atomic number 4 getting any more games or coverage digest from the Redner Group in the prospective. It's a pretty shocking entrance mone to make publicly, and the agency apace deleted the tweets and apologized for "impermanent out of pure emotion." A separate apology to numerous individual game journalists was also sent out, admitting that the outburst was a "immature act" and as wel stating that 2K Games had absolutely nothing to do with it.

"Though I didn't name names, I did say that I thought some reviews had at peace too far in tone," Redner wrote. "I observe the scores, it had to deal with the tone. I was unable to properly convey that in 140 characters. But that information technology beside the point."

"We are all entitled to our opinions irrespective of score, tone or meaning. My response was a jejune act happening my part. I know better and my emotion got the record-breaking of me. I have worked rattling hard on this project. I neediness it to succeed. I just got tump ove and acted out," he continued. "I think we are all allowed to phonation our opinions and that opinions by their very nature are correct. Many of you quickly pointed taboo my error in judgment. For that I thank you and apologize."

UPDATE: 2K Games has now commented and it's severe, if not entirely amazing, news for The Redner Grouping, which is no longer employed by the company.

"2K Games does non back the comments made by Jim Redner and we can confirm that The Redner Chemical group atomic number 102 thirster represents our products," 2K said in a statement. "We have always maintained a mutually-courteous working relationship with the press and do non condone his actions in any way."


Source: https://www.escapistmagazine.com/duke-nukem-forever-pr-agency-threatens-sites-over-bad-reviews-updated/

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